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Glorney 2013
Hi David D, My view is this: If that is harsh then we need to order in a few tonnes of cotton wool and 20 X-boxes to make sure everyone is ok. In my experience nothing makes you work harder than losing. If losing doesn't motivate you to work then there is always draughts, or perhaps Playstation, Iphone or Facebook.

Admittedly the key to helping they younger ones is to help them to enjoy it (I hear). With the older kids however, say 13/14 upwards, in the last 5 or so years of coaching internationals I have seen approximately one player that had the work ethic required to get to a decent level (in my opinion). Time and again players arrive at an event without having put the work in beforehand. I appreciate there are other things in life and chess may not be the most important, but if you are representing your country then it should be taken seriously or not at all.


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