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AGM Candidates

As I’m sure you are already aware, in Britain we are governed by an elective dictatorship. But, that’s at a national level. On this forum we are addressing how to administer a relatively small society in the best interests of all members. Of course, ‘best’ is subjective. But, our officebearer elections are conducted on an annual basis, affording the opportunity for a more frequent turnover of elected officials, if members so decide. Electioneering and bloc voting are quite distinct: one is to be applauded, the other disavowed.

You are wrong to think I intend disrespect to anyone. I assume you did not attend the AGM to which Andy Muir referred. The gentleman he named was voted in by popular acclaim (show of hands) and only then did he put his hand in his pocket and say, ‘Good, because I have X number of (proxy) votes in my pocket if needed.’ (Not an exact quote, I’m sure, given the deteriorating state of my memory.) So, when I referred to a Mr X in that context I was referring to a putative model - not a real person. Far from intending disrespect, I was distancing myself from ad hominem dispute/argument.

I don’t think Andy was being serious when he suggested a limit of three proxy votes per person. I think it was just banter based on my allusion to ‘Harry, Dick and Tom’, which of course was intended to personify ‘the lobbyist’.


Thank you for your support. I’m not a psephologist, but I’m sure your analysis is spot on. I agree that it is voter apathy - a perfectly natural reaction - that affords the opportunity for bloc voting to exercise disproportionate effect.


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