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AGM Candidates
I have tried to steer clear of the personal battles being waged, as I am more interested in doing good things for chess in Scotland than clashing with others and continually going round in circles on the same old topics.

It was suggested I should e-mail all and sundry and drum up as many proxy votes as possible. I should add that the suggestion was not made by either candidate for President. I completely rejected this suggestion, as I didn't feel comfortable with it at all and have no wish to be part of the continuing negativity on both sides of the divide.

Despite my complete rejection of the idea, an e-mail soliciting votes was sent out asking people to nominate their vote to me. I had not seen the e-mail sent out until I received a copy from a recipient. I also had no idea who had or how many people had been e-mailed and still don’t know.

I was none too happy when e-mails started arriving from people I had not been in contact with about the AGM or anything else for that matter, as I do not regard myself as anybody’s puppet.

The e-mail was not sent at my request, indeed it was sent without the courtesy to ask if it was okay with me to use my name and my e-mail. As I said, I had completely rejected the suggestion, only the night before.

I shall deal with the author of the e-mail in my own way.

Prior to the announcement of nominations, I did send four personal requests for support to those that I regard as friends and who I was aware would be unlikely to attend the AGM due to work commitments or travel issues. I am more than happy to act on the instructions given in these circumstances, regardless of what those instructions were.

With regard to the proxy votes I hold at the moment which were solicited by the mass e-mailing of members I find myself in a bit of a quandary. I have previously expressed my opinion on the CS system of proxy voting and suggested that this needs reviewed.

Having spent a few nights now finding it hard to get to sleep I have decided that it would not be proper for me to vote on behalf of people I do not or hardly know at all.

I would advise anyone who feels they may fall into this category to nominate a fellow club member or a representative of their county association or league to cast their vote, should they be unable to attend the AGM. If you are unsure of whether this would apply to you I would suggest it does and you would be in this bracket.

For those, who I feel I know well enough, such as the Ayrshire players, I will cast their votes as instructed.

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