09-08-2013, 03:20 PM
I've been getting these emails (3 so far) from different people asking for my proxy vote.
My first thought was to say yes to all of them and let them sort it out at the AGM.
But no. I am of course casting my vote for one of these live boards to run things.
We can log onto it daily and watch it make one random move and decipher what it wants.
Bishop = religious and c = catholic and c=country , so a catholic country is Italy. a2 is a primary class.
it is moving from a2 to c4.
It wants us to send a bunch of primary children to play in a tournament in Italy!
I've been getting these emails (3 so far) from different people asking for my proxy vote.
My first thought was to say yes to all of them and let them sort it out at the AGM.
But no. I am of course casting my vote for one of these live boards to run things.
We can log onto it daily and watch it make one random move and decipher what it wants.
Bishop = religious and c = catholic and c=country , so a catholic country is Italy. a2 is a primary class.
it is moving from a2 to c4.
It wants us to send a bunch of primary children to play in a tournament in Italy!