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AGM Candidates
Having received the motions from Andy Muir last night, I read them and then discussed them with a few people on here whose opinions I regard highly.

I don't intend to post the motions for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, I don't think they are in any real way a positive step towards progressing chess in Scotland,

and secondly, I don't see anything in them that would prevent Robert Montgomery (the proposer of the motions) or Andy Muir (the seconder) or anyone else for that matter, from posting them themselves, so therefore there is no need for me to do so, particularly as I don't particularly agree with them!

I would say to them though, that there are far better and more positive ways to word/direct the motion and would urge them to re-think their approach and raise their concerns under AOCB at the AGM in a more constructive fashion.

Andy Burnett

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