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AGM Candidates
"I think I would personally like to see positive proposals and actions rather than ideals. We all know this infighting and bickering has to stop, but so far no one has come up with a positive method of resolving the issue now or in future. I'm sure that talking to people early during the squabble can help a bit, but as has been seen here it doesn't actually stop them posting anyway."


The one thing that the President has to do is listen. I would talk to those who are bickering with an open mind.
For reconciliation to happen, both sides in the argument have to be open minded. If either side went into talks with a set position, then the talks will be doomed to failure and the arguments will go on and that will hurt the whole of the chess community. I would not be prepared to talk if I had to take a set position beforehand. You have to be open minded about things.

The officers of CS have to be focus and authority of all chess in Scotland and be respected

I do endorse a lot of what Kenny, Duncan and Kevin have said in their postings

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