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I make no claim to any real truth in my observation - it was just a thought based on a flying visit - and it was certainly not meant to deny many of the genuine past and present grievances that underlie the troubles.

However I understand from my parents, who have visited N Ireland on a regular basis over the last 50 years, that the vast majority of the troubles were (and are) in, and between, the poorer areas - the more well to do areas being less involved.

I generally agree with the points you make about bias etc but is there any actual proof of significant actual bias? My fear is that many people assume bias simply because a case went against them. They have judged matters based on a one sided view of the facts, which may not even be first hand. I hasten to add here that I do not know whether they are actually right or wrong nor anything about the rights or wrongs of the specific case.

If it does highlight weaknesses in the system then the evidence must be presented and action should certainly taken to correct them.

One problem I think you will always have in such a small community, where everyone knows everyone, it will be almost impossible to find a group of people who do not know those involved in the complaint and handle be open to an accusation of bias. Perhaps the best one can achieve is hope that the various biases of individual SC members cancel out so that in some respect the committee as whole is unbiased!

I was going to suggest that there might be a need for a completely independent person (lawyer) to act as court of last appeal, however a. that would be expensive and b. I believe that it would not solve the over all problem of the lack of trust in the system.

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