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AGM motion queries
You raised several general points about Motion 2.4. You probably realise that I am President (a rather grandiose title) of the North-East Junior Chess Association (NEJCA) who organise the majority of junior chess in the NE and Highlands. If anyone is not sure of what we do then just look at our website ( The motion arises from discussion at our AGM in June and the thinking of the sub-committee we established to examine the national issue of junior chess. I have spoken to some (but not all) of the other junior organisations and officials and the response ranges from enthusiastic to cautious - the latter reflecting concern about the current problems within Chess Scotland.

You wrote " Integrating all mainstream adult and junior chess in Scotland - sounds reasonable on the surface, but what does it mean?". Well any integration cannot be superficial, it has to go much deeper, else the exercise if futile. "Can it be achieved?" is probably what you are asking (please correct me if that supposition is wrong). Well first we have to agree that the principle is correct - if anyone disagrees than vote against and hope to demote the concept to the dustbin. Why do we believe in the principle? Well, currently chess in Scotland and Chess Scotland are subjected to considerable pressures, both external and internal. In terms of external, we have lost our grant and need to find alternative income sources. To achieve that requires Chess Scotland to be able to speak as one voice covering the whole spectrum of chess. Funders and other types of supporters like dealing with one organisation, whether it be a company in Aberdeen putting money into local NEJCA events or a major sponsor wanting to support events nationally. Similarly at Government or Local Authority level a single organisation with overall responsibility will also be listened to with more respect and likelihood of success. Unity would also help the Junior Home Director who can then speak on behalf of all the different junior organisations, none of whom are even currently affiliated to Chess Scotland. That is rather a nonsense situation I hope you would agree.

So how best to achieve this unity? Well there are various options (single junior body, a regional council etc) but that is exactly what the Working Party would decide and propose to Council. Would be good to have such a discussion and that could be done by separate submissions to the Working Party and/or via comments on 'Your Views' at the same time. I am relaxed about this provided we do some genuine talking with the aim of fulfilling the wishes of the AGM, if that body decides to support the principle - the key first stage. To put that principle into practice will require strong and positive leadership from the very top and the other key players. The new candidates for the junior directorships appear to want to take us in a new direction and hopefully the Working Party outcomes would enable them to achieve that. A lot of people are unhappy with the current schisms within the Scottish chess community and while this motion will not cure all of those it may be a step in the right direction. We can all see some of the potential problems but that is no reason for not trying to achieve unification. I would prefer us to try and fail than not try at all.

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