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AGM Candidates
Walter, the report of the Standards Committee is incomplete. Robert's motion simply completes the investigation. As a result of this omission, the respondent is allowed to be brazen. He sent the following email to Hamish and Andy Howie about me:

As you know I had to resign this season from my role as acting International Junior Director with ChessScotland. I felt this was the only route possible for me as parents need to have complete confidence in me. With the Standards Committee investigation pending, that parental confidence could not be complete.
Regarding recent noticeboard postings and reactions of members, I feel it is clear that you also need to seriously consider your position.
For the good of ChessScotland (CS) you may consider it a good idea to resign from your directorship as CS members clearly have no confidence in you. A simple message wishing your successor and ChessScotland progress in the future would be helpful.
I hope if you consider this appropriate, you may feel that you will be able to support ChessScotland (as I do) in any way possible in the future.

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