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AGM Election Results
I kept count of the votes concerning me:
Vote 1 : International Director : For 34 Against 93
Vote 2 : Home Director : For 10 Against 30
Vote 3: International Director : For 52 Against 31

I noticed some of the people who voted against me. The ones I noticed were: Dick Heathwood, Hamish Glen,
Alan Borwell (proxy), Steve Mannion (snr) (proxy) , Calum MacQueen, Hugh Brechin .
There were many others that I did not catch amongst the forest of hands.

I am disappointed that these people voted against me but I accept it was for noticeboard postings and possibly an arrogant answer I made to a question at the AGM (it was not meant in that way) and not my work as International Director.

I am determined that Scotland will be well represented abroad in the next year , including the Olympiad
and offer an olive branch to these and other people I have offended to work in harmony.

As I said, based on the last year's experience, the November EGM will be more productive than this noticeboard
in solving disputes

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