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AGM Election Results
Andy Howie Wrote:Would e-voting not mean that most people would cast their votes prior and not attend the AGM hence AGM is pointless as decision has been made already?

Just being the Devils Advocate here!

Who asked you Andy Howie (only joking or course) No but it would have all the advantages of proxy voting with none of the disadvantages. I sure it was the overriding consensus of the AGM that proxy voting had many flaws but the one service it did provide was a voice for people who could not attend especially the people up north. A voting form would eliminate the subjectivity incurred when one asks another for their vote. A voting form can be cold but it objective and clear. Remember the AGM is also there for accountability and transparency. A lot of people didn't turnup at the AGM not because their couldn't be there, it was because they couldn't be bothered. At least a voting form would encourage participation WITH VERY LITTLE EFFORT i.e click a button or type in a few details.

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