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AGM Election Results
Andy Howie Wrote:Would e-voting not mean that most people would cast their votes prior and not attend the AGM hence AGM is pointless as decision has been made already?

Just being the Devils Advocate here!

Andy you’re hopeless as Devils Advocate! Stand aside… Big Grin

Separate the idea of deciding motions and candidates at the same time. Candidates can’t be ‘amended’ (though the new Andy M might disagree) therefore this voting could take place outwith AGM.
At the very least, don’t have meeting discussions about unopposed candidates.
No coup d’etats - if you want rid of someone you must table a specific motion and let them defend themselves fairly.

This immediately frees up a lot of time to make the discussion meaningful to a wider group of people.

Attending the AGM

Canvass the whole membership if you need to, find out why they don’t come.

Example - some quick thoughts why people might not attend an AGM

*The feeling that discussion is over their heads, or officials talking to each other (as somebody did day)

*Information on which even to base questions isn’t available

*No meaningful discussion of budget, hence prioritization determined by “we’ve got to pay for this or that previous commitment we didn’t discuss with you either” (hence the feeling “so what am I doing here”). Sorry if that’s unfair.

*Get an independent chair (someone like that Donald Wilson perhaps that’s will have done it before and isn’t the one being questioned or criticized) hopefully ending rancorous aftermaths but also giving a fair crack to questions, rather than foboff answer then moving on. Remember, we’ll have saved some time so suitable discussion time is possible.

*Include members more enthusiastically in decision-making – starting with information and end to secrecy except when issue genuinely too sensitive. Put cards on table, not up jumper… Big Grin

The catch is, the members might occasionally recommend different priorities to the execs. Have more faith in us plebs Big Grin That’s the devilish bit!

Cheers everybody

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