05-09-2013, 11:04 AM
Is there a CS director with specific responsibilities for promoting/looking after ladies/girls chess?
While I am against the blatant sex discrimination that happens in chess, as the increased opportunities girls have over boys is unfair and has not worked, I am obviously not against what it is trying to do i.e. increase the number of female players. Clearly increased numbers of players is in itself a good thing but I suspect also that to achieve it one needs to improve some aspects of the way chess is played (less BO?) and that will in itself attract others. What those 'aspects' are is the million dollar question and needs I think someone dedicated to finding the answer.
While I am against the blatant sex discrimination that happens in chess, as the increased opportunities girls have over boys is unfair and has not worked, I am obviously not against what it is trying to do i.e. increase the number of female players. Clearly increased numbers of players is in itself a good thing but I suspect also that to achieve it one needs to improve some aspects of the way chess is played (less BO?) and that will in itself attract others. What those 'aspects' are is the million dollar question and needs I think someone dedicated to finding the answer.