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Richardson and Spens 2013-14
Following a review of the Richardson and Spens tournaments I can announce the following changes for season 2013-4:

Richardson -

• No longer restricted to CS-member clubs. Any Scottish club may enter;
• Grading order – clarified as published grading for the current season with a 50 point variation permitted;
• There will be a consolation knockout for first round losers similar to the Campbell Rosebowl for the Spens. There will be a trophy but for the moment I am referring to the event as the Richardson Consolation Event until I have time to look into a trophy and a name.

Spens -

• No longer restricted to CS-member clubs. Any Scottish club may enter;
• Grading order – clarified as current published grading, no variation permitted;
• Clubs may enter more than one team

All team finals will be held at Grangemouth on 19 April 2014 starting at 13:00 – no agreement will be given to play any final at another place or time.

This information has been sent to Secretaries of all clubs in Scotland that we have contact details for.

Keith Rose
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