20-09-2013, 12:47 AM
The following are entries received or intimated at 19 September.
Closing date for entries will be 8 October – email me directly with further entries please <!-- e --><a href="mailto:homedirector@chessscotland.com">homedirector@chessscotland.com</a><!-- e -->. I’ll address the matter of entry fees and payments shortly.
Pnum - Grade - Name - Club
22511 - 1986 - Mikey Grove - Castlehill
4482 - 1922 - Alan Jelfs - East Kilbride
Nancy Elder
Pnum - Grade - Name - Club
4357 - 1822 - Stephen Hilton - Cathcart
3323 - 1698 - Ian Brownlee - Lanark
22274 - 1634 - Leonaro Sani - Castlehill
22858 - 1624 - Dariusz Kosnik - Castlehill
6807 - 1609 - John Robertson - Dundee
3051 - 1534 - Jim Anderson - Dundee
19640 - 1500 - Declan Shafi - Castlehill
8657 - 1496 - Ray Noble - Castlehill
12506 - 1478 - Paul Shafi - Castlehill
22387 - 1434 - Euan Gray - North Juniors
7603 - 1046 - John Lynch - Castlehill
13881 - 990 - Lisa Paton - Castlehill
4243 - 889 - Chris Hampton - Pentland Hills
I have heard of three more possibles for MacIsaac and two more possibles for Nancy Elder.
The City of Dundee is well represented here – we could do with some other areas.
If you haven’t heard from your clubs recently about the changes to these events perhaps you could give your club Sec a nudge to circulate the info internally – I emailed details to all club secretaries a few days ago. Raising the profile and spreading information would help numbers hugely.
The revised rules for these tournaments are with CS arbiters just now for error and sanity checking. They should be available shortly.
Closing date for entries will be 8 October. I hope to make the draws during the Dundee Congress weekend (11-13 October)
Keith Rose
<!-- e --><a href="mailto:homedirector@chessscotland.com">homedirector@chessscotland.com</a><!-- e -->
Closing date for entries will be 8 October – email me directly with further entries please <!-- e --><a href="mailto:homedirector@chessscotland.com">homedirector@chessscotland.com</a><!-- e -->. I’ll address the matter of entry fees and payments shortly.
Pnum - Grade - Name - Club
22511 - 1986 - Mikey Grove - Castlehill
4482 - 1922 - Alan Jelfs - East Kilbride
Nancy Elder
Pnum - Grade - Name - Club
4357 - 1822 - Stephen Hilton - Cathcart
3323 - 1698 - Ian Brownlee - Lanark
22274 - 1634 - Leonaro Sani - Castlehill
22858 - 1624 - Dariusz Kosnik - Castlehill
6807 - 1609 - John Robertson - Dundee
3051 - 1534 - Jim Anderson - Dundee
19640 - 1500 - Declan Shafi - Castlehill
8657 - 1496 - Ray Noble - Castlehill
12506 - 1478 - Paul Shafi - Castlehill
22387 - 1434 - Euan Gray - North Juniors
7603 - 1046 - John Lynch - Castlehill
13881 - 990 - Lisa Paton - Castlehill
4243 - 889 - Chris Hampton - Pentland Hills
I have heard of three more possibles for MacIsaac and two more possibles for Nancy Elder.
The City of Dundee is well represented here – we could do with some other areas.
If you haven’t heard from your clubs recently about the changes to these events perhaps you could give your club Sec a nudge to circulate the info internally – I emailed details to all club secretaries a few days ago. Raising the profile and spreading information would help numbers hugely.
The revised rules for these tournaments are with CS arbiters just now for error and sanity checking. They should be available shortly.
Closing date for entries will be 8 October. I hope to make the draws during the Dundee Congress weekend (11-13 October)
Keith Rose
<!-- e --><a href="mailto:homedirector@chessscotland.com">homedirector@chessscotland.com</a><!-- e -->