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European Team Championships in Warsaw starting today
WBuchanan Wrote:After 29...Rxb2 Nxb2 Rb8 can W play Bc3? B can't take the Q with the B and though Qxc3 Qxc3 Nxc3 threatens murder on the long diagonal W seems to have Nc4-e5 to block it, maybe after playing Rh8 first.
After Bc3 Nxc3, W is still the exchange up but just losing because of the active black pieces!? Presumably the long diagonal murder then happens...great position!

Yep, I can't see a defence after your last line with 31. Bc3 Nxc3. White is hogtied. Alan's Qxd3 was still a great move though as black would doubtless be looking for something simpler than this line, especially with the clock ticking down to the time-control.

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