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Game 3 drawn, more or less in 40 moves.

With his advantage, I thought Anand might have been able to worry Carlsen a bit more

While watching I didn't like 37...Rd8 but looking back Anand must have been worried about Rd7+. The optimal line suggests Bd4 Qe2, perhaps Anand was worried about Bxg6 (fork idea) where B presumably has Rf8 in response. W could then complicate with Qxh5, despite threat of Qh7+ B might be able to do Rxf2 with the threat of interposing with check, Remember a John Shaw game where he deliberately allowed what looked like an unstoppable attack once his checks ran out - but his final move was Qh6! (with WR on g7 and h7, BK on f8) and B was dead!

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