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Advice for getting funding/sponsors for a club.
robin moore Wrote:


Above is a link to the Hamilton Chess Club award from the Government's Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Perhaps your club and others may wish to apply as £5,370 is a considerable sum of money for local juniors.

Hopefully, As Phil appears to have forgotten where the money was rerouted and spent, some other members from Hamilton may wish to enlighten me on what exactly the money was spent on to help young players.

Robin, why do you feel that anyone at Hamilton needs justify themselves to you regarding this money?
I imagine that whoever gave the money would have in place some sort of procedure to clarify that the money has been used for the purpose intended.If they are not causing a fuss I imagine that they are satisfied. Perhaps I have misread your posts but they come across as some sort of inquisitor at the Spanish Inquisition. Certainly if you were asking what Cumbernauld Chess Club did with the "equipment grant" that we received from North Lanarkshire Council. I would think what has it got to do with you??

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