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The Commonwealth Championships are coming to Scotland Thread
Helen , you can do the tour, Scottish, British, leave on 1st August for Olympiad like David Howell.
Hope you are comfortable with the new rules for Olympiad accompanees!

07. Regulations for the Titles of Trainers
4. Licenced Trainers
4.1. No trainer will be offered free board & lodging at official FIDE events such as Olympiads, World, European, Continental, Pan-American, and Asian Team Champi-onship, and World and Youth Individual Championships, if he/she does not hold any official FIDE/TRG title (official implementation: 01.07.2014).

4.2. No trainer will be offered access in the official playing hall at official FIDE events such as Olympiads, World, Continental, European, Pan-American, and Asian Team Championship, and World and Continental Youth Individual Championships, if he/she does not hold any official FIDE/TRG title (official implementation: 01.07.2014).

4.3. Each national federation shall nominate an ‘Official Contact Person’ with the TRG. By this action, TRG’s communication and further cooperation with the FIDE affiliated federations will become easier and effective.

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