01-12-2013, 06:33 PM
Here are the basic fees payable to FIDE for trainer licences. More information here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.fide.com/fide/handbook.html?id=42&view=category">http://www.fide.com/fide/handbook.html? ... w=category</a><!-- m -->
Title Awarded Title Award (one-time) Licence Fee (valid for 4 years)
FIDE Senior Trainer 300 Euros 180 Euros
FIDE Trainer 200 Euros 120 Euros
FIDE Instructor 100 Euros 60 Euros
National Instructor 50 Euros 30 Euros
Developmental Instructor 50 Euros 30 Euros
Title Awarded Title Award (one-time) Licence Fee (valid for 4 years)
FIDE Senior Trainer 300 Euros 180 Euros
FIDE Trainer 200 Euros 120 Euros
FIDE Instructor 100 Euros 60 Euros
National Instructor 50 Euros 30 Euros
Developmental Instructor 50 Euros 30 Euros