03-12-2013, 09:23 PM
Andy Howie Wrote:andyburnett Wrote:Hi Andy,
Based on which 'rule' exactly? Douglas seems to be saying it is unclear?!
EDIT: Oh, because Matthew is already registered as SCO and therefore 'nationality' rules don't come into it?
In one! When Matthew transferred there was a period where he could not play, after which he is allowed to represent Scotland. In the eyes of FIDE, he is allowed to play
So is there any actual need for a proposal at the AGM? Is there one or will it just be raised under AOCB?
What is the order of importance when it comes to such matters?
Do FIDE laws/rules trump our own CS ones?
Can we ignore certain rules (at international level?) and would we want to?
Do we need to simply pass an amendment of our rules?
Sorry, I have lots of questions but I don't have the answers This does, or may, affect quite a few players.