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Plea to the CS Directors
I don't agree that in-fighting as an excuse is a cop-out. Having received many emails myself from people talking complete trash about other people (and in some cases talking complete trash about me pesonally), you quite frankly lose the will to respond in a timely fashion and really question the point in doing anything to help out at all.

So in-fighting knocks the confidence of those who really do put in a lot of work to help out. And we will never know how many more people might have volunteered to help out had they not been put off by everything that has gone on. Who in their right mind would want to let themselves in for that? In-fighting creates barriers to teamwork, and - therefore - creates serious obstacles to progress. With respect Derek Sad, I think you're underestimating the profound effect it has had (and will continue to have) on Chess Scotland.

So I actually think Andy is correct when he asserts that if you resolve that you will resolve everything else. The process of actually getting everyone talking constructively will encourage a new breed of volunteers; and the continued success of Chess in Scotland. As such, the knock-on effect of solving the current (and historical) conflicts will be substantial and hopefully lasting.

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