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Continuation of AGM - motion 1.2
IMarks Wrote:
Quote:300 million players play internet games successfully. The technology is proven and as long as the internet connection is secure and the lights stay on it should not disrupt games during a tournament.
My main concern is that 'remote' participation would end up as something akin to a glorified game on ICC. 300,000,000 people blitzing away online doesn't equate to two guys playing an 'over-the-board' (!?) game in a weekender via skype or whatever.

Also, as I said in an earlier post, I regard f2f contact as a main component of tournament chess. An opponent's body language, demeanor, reactions etc. play a large part in the game. Watching the other guy on a computer screen, if indeed an image is broadcast, just ain't the same. Mind you, it would get round personal hygiene problems! Big Grin
I agree. That is why I would limit the number of remote games to only those who genuinely would have difficulty in attending an event. The exposure to remote games among congress players should be quite small. I would hope that any player would endure the occasional inconvenience of less than perfect playing conditions for the sake of promoting Scottish Chess.
The majority of CS events are quite rightly played in the central belt region as this is where most chess clubs and players reside. I fear that the trickle of players that travel at great expense to support CS tournaments will dwindle over time. This will result in lower attendances in chess halls and the eventual extinction of chess out with the central belt region. If CS can engage more readily with these players and possibly ignite the game farther afield, then let's take a little pain to make it happen.

An opponent's body language, demeanour, reactions etc. You obviously have never played against my daughter Anna "Ice Maiden" Milton! Big Grin

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