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Continuation of AGM - motion 1.2
Phil Thomas Wrote:Which includes the real possibility of powerful chess engines being used out of sight of the opponent.


we seem to have drifted away from the original point I made - I have quoted myself above.

In a normal tournament with opponent in sight (usually) and and neutral chess players all around - -opportunities for assistance from chess engines is restricted by fear of discovery. That fear could be far less in a distant venue. That is why this committee when formed will need to consider the possibility of chess engines being used - at both venues.

Ref correspondence chess rules. At the time I stopped playing correspondence games assistance from Chess Computers was certainly frowned upon and was probably against the rules in force at the time. For me personally the correspondence game became much less fun when I realised that I was frequently competing directly against with my opponents' chess programmes.

For the correspondence game to remain viable today it strikes me as inevitable that rules have to be framed to allow computerised assistance.

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