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The MacIsaac and Nancy Elder Championships
To all:

John McNicoll rightly raised the issue of the time control and how a claim for a draw should be handled
I’ve taken further advice from experienced arbiters on the proposed revision of “Nan-Mac” Tournament rules with regard to time controls.
As a result, and as already announced, I am entirely ditching my previous time-control stipulations!
We take account of the fact that the playing session is likely to be 2.5 hours (at best) in both tournaments This would seem to argue for a straightforward time control
The simplest solution is probably the best. All moves are to be completed within an allocated time period. I propose that all moves should be completed in one hour and a quarter. Speed of play then becomes a judgment call by each player without any rather patronizing determination by the organizer as to exactly how many!
If the draw is mutually agreed by the players, the result is obviously a draw.


If the player, having the move, has less than two minutes left on his clock, he may claim a draw before his flag falls. He shall summon thearbiter and may stop the clocks (See note below

In the event that a claim is disputed and that no qualified arbiter is present, both scores sheets will need to be submitted to the Tournament organizer as soon as possible
• Failure to supply a score sheet will not be viewed very sympathetically!
• In all but trivial cases, an arbiter will be asked to adjudicate the result.
• The organizer will communicate the decision, which is final, to both players.
• The deadline for entries, as already announced, is the 1st of December 201

Chris Hampton
26th October 2011 (revised 30th October 2011)

As a codicil, Andy Howie has rightly pointed out that the claim for a draw is not was not defined in the unamended rules within time-limited parameters The italicized section is a change to the previous mailing.

" if a draw is claimed by either player before the fall of the flag (or its digital equivalent) further play ceases immediately” (is now deleted)

Andy wrote: "Should that not read (that) 'if a draw is claimed by either player under 10.2 (current FIDE regulations) further play ceases immediately'?

My comment:

A draw can always be suggested at any time by either player. It can be refused or agreed or simply IGNORED! Claiming a draw is a different matter, obviously! In that context, as Andy correctly advises,

10.2 should be adhered to. FIDE RULE 10.2

“If the player, having the move, has less than two minutes left on his clock, he may claim a draw before his flag falls. He shall summon the arbiter and may stop the clocks”

The above ruling has now been incorporated into the Tournament rules and takes effect without further notice.
With the proviso that:
In the event that a claim is disputed and that no qualified arbiter is present is present to adjudicate both scores sheets will need to be submitted to the Tournament organizer as soon as possible.

Chris Hampton


I wish to record my thanks to:

Stephen Hilton

Dick Heathwood,

Michael Hanley,

Andy Howie.

For all their help

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