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Scottish Girls Championships - Location
Quote:I would like to highlight that the decision to host the "Official" Scottish Girls championship in a fairly remote part of Scotland (2.5 hrs from Glasgow & Edinburgh, and over 3.5 hrs from Ayrshire) shows poor judgement. Are we to subject our children to 5-7 hours travel that day, or is the ideal to implicitly restrict it to those that can afford the accommodation costs (and disruption) that will be incurred?

Surely the distance is the same whether traveling to this "remote" area as traveling from it? Or are you thinking that the juniors who live there are less effected by long journeys, and it is therefore fair that they are always the ones that must travel?

Must say that the journey is often a big part of the experience and was certain something the Gillespies players enjoyed when they went to Aberdeen for a Scotsman match or to Carlise and York (and Belfast!) for UK school matches.

BTW why the quotes round Official?

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