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Richardson and Spens 2013-14
I've just become aware this topic has reawakened

I agree that information should be made available as soon as possible after an event/match.

There are dedicated web pages for the Richardson and Spens on the CS website – from the home page menu select 'Chess Scotland', then 'CS Events'; then links to the main CS events. For your convenience the direct link is

These pages are maintained and updated by Dick Heathwood – but only if he is sent the data and that didn't happen recently. That is something for me to address. I will send the details posted here to Dick and I anticipate that he will update soon.

Joe – thank you for posting the details above. In the absence – or in addition to – other forms of dissemination perhaps teams might use this forum to declare results?

Jonathan -
Quote:suggest results for these types of competitions should be covered in newspapers and on BBC ceefax (yes that still exists!) or
– fair comment and a good idea. You seem to be a mine of good ideas (no, I'm not being facetious, I mean it). One thing this suggests to me is that CS could use a dedicated Press Officer for this and many other purposes.

Quote:if the results were done on an a uniformed online form, rather than an email when people get round to it, and published for all to see.
I'll look into how we might achieve this, though I tend to think that filling in an electronic form with all the detail of a Richardson match would be a bit tedious. An alternative would be to hand write a printed pro-forma result sheet (as we used to do), photograph or scan it and email to A.M., Dick and anyone else you want to inform.

You are right about the website – it is work in progress, at an early stage and ways of developing still being considered. Some of the ideas in this thread are already being thought about.

Quote:I can imagine the current Rich/Spens team are short on volunteers
– I would like to expand that thought but I'll do that in a new topic in a day or two.

Hamilton – Dunbar. Would someone from one or other of these teams be kind enough to post the details here please? Thanks.

FYI Bon Accord - Castlehill will be played next Saturday, 1st Feb

One other thing just now – the consolation event. I have emailed Richardson captains but am short of replies – is there enough interest to justify spending CS money on a trophy? I am getting some cool responses to it and there are alternatives to this concept. I would be grateful for views from anyone whose team might qualify, in future years if not this one.


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