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Continuation of AGM - motion 1.2
Matthew Turner Wrote:Steve,
You can make any observations you wish. What I don't understand is your linking of declining numbers at OTB chess and remote play. Sean has said that there might be 2 or 3 remote boards and that they would have a minimal impact on congress chess. If you think that remote play is going to have a significant impact on declining numbers, then you must surely have a 'bigger' vision for remote chess. Perhaps you could explain what it is?

I don't have a vision for remote chess. I am simply considering potential solutions to the problem of declining numbers. Remoteness is not just a geographical term, being disabled is a form of remoteness as well and shouldn't tournaments do all that they can to encourage disabled people to play in events. I have outlined the fact that there are new guidelines coming in from FIDE in regards to play with the disabled. One of the points is that a disabled player cannot be denied entry to a tournament. That means if the tournament hall is not suitable for disabled players, then the onus is on the organisers to provide alternative supervised accommodation, if that is not possible, then play by remote is an alternative worth considering. I have already outlined the difficulties that are faced by disabled people in regards to transport even in this day and age.
I would add that all federations do have a responsibility to help disabled players as well

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