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spare equipment needed for Juniors club
Thanks Andy, all efforts appreciated. There is 15 regular kids coming along to the weekly school club. I want to seize the moment with a teacher involved, before these kids get lost to the chess wildnerness. The teacher Nicholas O'Halloran is excellent, we had him at our own club last night, very enthusiastic and knowledgable of chess and giving up lots of his own time. He is now a signed up member of our club, and is a sticker with regards to the school club, he is in this for the long haul.

Some of the sets they currently use are just awful, tiny boards where an adult hand knocks over half the pieces when you make a move. None of the kids have ever used a clock before. I am hopeful we will have them playing friendlies soon, and have a school league up and running for the next school year after the summer hols.

There is of course funding options, but that is longer term as it takes time, and trying to get the school parent council group to supply funding is nothing short of difficult. I am taking a transparent view on this and will be documenting the progress of the club on the Dunbar Chess Club website.

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