05-11-2011, 12:16 AM
Well done everyone, keep it going ! I thought Jacob Agaard's interview was interesting, in particular when he was comparing being a writer/publisher as compared to being a player. He felt that anyone who was operating under both codes would not suffer a general drop in their standard of play as long as they were prepared to study their own game alongside the publishing work. Jacob and John's company (John annoyingly but very welcomely turned up for a league match for Kilmarnock v my team Greenwood through the week) are very successful and popular. I was on the way back on the bus from Albena in Bulgaria at the Euroyouth where I got blethering to a Russian GM coach. I asked him what books he liked and was using, he replied anything by Quality Chess and proceeeded to howk out a couple of the company's publications from his bag. Alan Tate was sitting behind him and he too pulled a couple from the same lot out of his luggage. From the books for sale outside the playing hall in Albena there were plenty from the aforementioned company (and they were selling). Coincidence? probably not. Hard work? No doubt. A sacrifice on your personal targets with regard to day to day business concerns?... the jury is still out on this one.