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Posts: 22,761
Threads: 2,308
Members: 515
Posts per day: 4.58
Threads per day: 0.46
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Posts per member: 44.2
Threads per member: 4.48
Replies per thread: 8.86
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Today's top poster: Glynis Grant (3 posts)
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Tromso Olympiad 2014 (431 replies)
New constitution (372 replies)
AGM (263 replies)
Eligibility Votes - March 2022 (222 replies)
Continuation of AGM - motion 1.2 (200 replies)
AGM Candidates (191 replies)
Tromso Olympiad (177 replies)
Commonwealth Championships (164 replies)
Scottish Chess Championships 2013 (163 replies)
Appearance fees for our best players (160 replies)
Correct support for The Scotland Junior International Squad (157 replies)
Glorney 2012 (147 replies)
Lichess online activity (137 replies)
Council meeting (136 replies)
European Youth (133 replies)
New constitution (1,264,108 views)
Tromso Olympiad 2014 (762,170 views)
AGM (529,427 views)
New website (471,038 views)
Commonwealth Championships (434,252 views)
Chess Scotland Adult Selection Criteria (402,195 views)
Tromso Olympiad (400,585 views)
Continuation of AGM - motion 1.2 (398,746 views)
AGM Candidates (381,116 views)
Scottish Chess Championships 2013 (369,885 views)
Appearance fees for our best players (347,394 views)
Correct support for The Scotland Junior International Squad (328,474 views)
Scottish Chess Tour (323,331 views)
Glorney 2012 (321,875 views)
European Youth (314,024 views)