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CS Mag
The February issue just arrived through my letterbox and, as usual, it looks like there is a good read ahead. Skimming through, however, and I was struck by one thing in particular: only 1 (yes ONE) game actually played in Scotland. Instead we are treated to games by Scots from London, Liverpool, Groningen, Hungary and Slovakia. This must be a first! I suspect a symptom of how OTB chess in Scotland is becoming an ever more scarce commodity and how the players remaining here who are motivated to develop their game are spending more and more of their time looking overseas to find suitable events. Food for thought I think.
I don't think the almost total absence of fide rating events in scotland helps either... You don't get your FM title for getting CS 2300.
That fact had totally escape me George! Thanks for pointing it out Smile

Of course, the magazine would love to include league and congress games (and reports) from within Scotland, but if players don't send me them.... :/


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