Ianbrownlee Wrote:Phil Thomas Wrote:From what I see on the web site this should not be a long meeting - there is only one motion to be voted on.
I cant see that being a quick discussion. The proposed constitution has so many points for discussion it will take some time to go through it. If the motion is it to be passed en block then most people would find a stumbling point and would probably vote against it. The only people probably at the meeting will be organisers and players already at the Scottish (disproportionate section of the chess community) and will not include the workforce like myself who be running about stupid the day after fair Monday. I personally agree the meeting should be in the evening where there is ample parking and ideally not during the holiday season.
Totally agree.
What is this new constitution bringing us?
- Juniors no longer have a vote
- Grandfather rule that has been rejected
- More Directors when we can't even fill the posts that we have with capable people
- Admin Director?
- No consultation for the members on this
- Date and time of the SGM that most people can't get to
- You have to be a member longer than 2 weeks to be allowed to vote.
Why is this not being brought in for 2016? There is no need to rush this in for 2015, the world not about to end. As Andy has suggested, this could have (and should have been) voted on at the AGM.
Why, as Phil has said, are there no job descriptions? This means you have a set of Directors who are in post but don't actually have anything to tell them what the job actually is! Are they supposed to sit on their hands for a year or just make it up as they go along?
I am sorry to say it but we have to vote this constitution down. There are holes in it that you can drive a bus through and it is not fit for purpose. There has not been sufficient time for members to look at this and discuss changes. It has the feeling of having being rushed (which is odd given it is nearly 3 years in the making). It begs the question, why are they trying to force this through?
I would suggest that we consider a counter motion at the SGM. I don't know how you can get that onto the paper, that is for people wiser than me. The motion I would suggest is "That there should be a series of meetings carried out in various locations in Scotland to allow the membership to suggest amendments to the proposed constitution. The amended constitution, standing orders and job descriptions to be voted on at an SGM at a suitable time by next June to bring into force at the AGM in 2016". Do I need to get 10 members to agree to this to get this added?