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Prague Open 2016
Mikey Grove is tearing it up in Prague. Undefeated and a half point off the lead, starting rank 84, currently sitting 14th with some nice results in the first six rounds. Good chance of being on one of the 9 live boards tomorrow. Games start at 3pm UK time.

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Mikey is indeed tearing it up! Yesterday's win saw him wipe out a 2284 in 25 moves. I personally feel this great play he is displaying is all down to his 'coach' Wink

[pgn][Event "Prague"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.01.12"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Groves, Mikey"]
[Black "Stoynov, Ivan"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B15"]
[PlyCount "49"]

1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. Be3 c6 4. Qd2 d5 5. Nc3 h5 6. O-O-O Nh6 7. f3 dxe4 8.
fxe4 Ng4 9. Kb1 Nxe3 10. Qxe3 Bg4 11. Be2 Na6 12. Bxg4 hxg4 13. e5 Qb6 14. Nge2
Rd8 15. Rhf1 O-O 16. Qf4 c5 17. d5 Qb4 18. Qe3 b5 19. Qg5 c4 20. h4 Qa5 21. h5
b4 22. hxg6 fxg6 23. Qxg6 Qb6 24. d6 Nc7 25. Nd5 1-0[/pgn]

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