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Domestic touraments survey
Haha you caught me before I edited... Thanks for the good luck!
WBuchanan Wrote:Appreciate the 'improved offer' Ian ....but will staging informal talks with a small group of people help
its not an improved offer, the offer of talks and correspondence has always been there. I have repeatedly on the forum (and elsewhere) offered to discuss and listen to anyone who wants to have dialogue about.
WBuchanan Wrote:Ian. you’ve clearly made up your mind to 'follow the FIDE trend'

Since when does bringing a new tournament with new ideas is following the trend. This as far as I know is the first FIDE rated quickplay tournament in Scotland. The evolution of this tournament started not with a quickplay event, but what to do with the MacIsaac and how to reinvigorate it. Through discussion with both CS and non CS members, and with senior representatives this idea evolved from a purely Macisaac themed tournament to an inter-regional league and finally to what is being proposed today. The Inter regional league may be proposed in the future but not at the moment at least until we get the logistics right. You say congresses are down (and I would agree with that) I say lets do something about it. Gary is and so am I . Most players like what we are saying but we will not know until we try it. It was suggested to me that the FIDE option would be popular and it has. The SNCL has two FIDE rated games in division 1 per day and it seems to be popular and on the rise.

Please don't misinterpret what I doing. However, I've spent a year on this and I'm moving on. As I've said countless times, talk to me directly or email me, or come to the AGM and say your piece (if you're a member)
I might have been reading between the lines of what you said initially (you said follow the trend, also '“There is general acceptance that we move move more and more towards FIDE tournaments. The Spens and Richardson are already there.”') - your responses have been more forthcoming in the latter part of this thread. If you organize a new tournament and make it FIDE rated and get reasonable entries it doesn’t follow that players like the FIDE-rated bit. Maybe it doesn’t matter if it’s just the one even, but then if as seems likely more FIDE rated tournaments feature in your future plans it will be easy to say ‘the FIDE ratings idea proved popular’. When you personally want to do something that may be controversial, it’s better to get direct, clear feedback about it. I think in general that CS often manages to somehow sidestep this part… :| Cheers
George Neave Wrote:Ho ho...isn't that a bit ageist Alan?! Does being over 50 imply being in decline?

No, and no
WBuchanan Wrote:your responses have been more forthcoming in the latter part of this thread.

they are not more forthcoming, they may be more detailed when something is specifically asked rather than a general appraisal such as we're doomed and we cant do anything about.

WBuchanan Wrote:When you personally want to do something that may be controversial, it’s better to get direct, clear feedback about it. I think in general that CS often manages to somehow sidestep this part
no I don't think so. CS take great care when we are undertaking such a project. I can only get direct clear feedback when its is offered, as I said thus particular forum has been on the go for months, the Man Comm report was published back in February/March.
Ian you say

“CS take great care when we are undertaking such a project. I can only get direct clear feedback when its is offered“

No, you can ask for it. This post was created by you asking for feedback on seven questions, none mentioning FIDE rated tournaments. The idea that it’s somehow difficult to get feedback on this point is therefore hard to accept!

You immediately got feedback, some of which was negative, which you chose to ignore other than inviting those players not to play.

There’s nothing stopping you (or the ManComm for that matter) from creating a new post asking specifically about new FIDE tournaments, or doing a fresh poll or consultation. It seems strange that you don’t (as there is opposition), as if you prefer not to have the feedback.

I’ll read your reply Ian and probably leave it there, cheers
The specific issue of FIDE rating in relation to events run by CS and in particular the Richardson and Spens Cup was discussed at length on this Forum prior to the 2014 vote and over several years prior to that including online Forum polls. The FIDE rating of a rapidplay is of little consequence in comparison.

FIDE rating of the Richardson and Spens seemed sufficiently controversial that a vote was taken prior to it being re-introduced. If the 2014 AGM vote did not represent views accurately then members can of course request another vote on the issue. So far there has been no attempt to present another motion to reverse the 2014 decision. There is no value in CS directors trying to impose decisions which players do not want. Directors are here to promote the game and assist organisers.

I would have thought that the big expansion this season of the number of events on the domestic congress circuit offering FIDE rating might be an indication that organisers think their entrants view the FIDE rating feature as of some merit. The SNCL is currently Scotland's most successful league. This year they are moving to also FIDE rate division 2.

This issue of w/e and league organisers asking for FIDE rating involves many more players than a CS rapid event. It also involves main list FIDE rating, not rapid. Is there some suggestion about how CS should respond to these requests to FIDE rate these games other than simply to comply with the request.

Scotland has one of the lowest number of FIDE rated players for a country of its size. It's worth having a look at the FIDE registered events of other countries in Europe just to see what is on offer. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ountry=SCO</a><!-- m -->. Of course maybe our chess population is so tiny that it follows that we have few FIDE events and players - FIDE Players: Wales 298, Scotland 377, Ireland 465, Norway 1980, Denmark 3098.
Walter you can do polls I'm pretty sure. You don't need any administrator status - George has done them before. I'm not sure how but it's possible!
Hi Hamish, Yes I thought of that, from looking at it (it's explained under FAQ) I probably could do a poll I think, but more people would respond if it was done by a CS official or tournament organiser - as the results would obviously have direct relevance. And me doing this wouldn’t address the general concern I have had for a long time that in general CS leadership doesn’t consult the members when it wants to do something, often gliding over feedback and objections. It does a lot of great organising too of course.
Hi Douglas

Thanks for the post and link. What is the value of a FIDE rating to players without realistic norm or FM chances though?

It would be useful to see any past polls if you have them, I couldn’t find them myself. Expansion can be for many reasons after all tournament organizers have that specific aim. I expect players will flock to Largs this year (as I will) but for other reasons than the FIDE rating. Members having to bring motions to force CS to take notice of their concerns is, well, like a last resort

“There is no value in CS directors trying to impose decisions which players do not want. Directors are here to promote the game and assist organisers.”

Leaderships often have different priorities from members, that’s why the quality of democracy is often strained Smile

A couple more general points (I take the point that it’s not just CS tournaments of course..)

Any player might naturally want a FIDE rating too, but these come with increasing FIDE entanglements. Is anyone assessing those? IMO the least that should be done before this kind of collective commitment is made is to try to establish whether people do actually want the main benefit.

Steve’s viewpoint could be interpreted more widely as what about the danger of weakening the brand by slackening the conditions under which games are FIDE rated.

I’ll read any response but I’ll probably leave it there for the greater good Smile

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