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SJCAET (1969-2021) charity closure
The trustees of the Scottish Junior Chess Educational Trust (SJCAET) have obtained the approval of the Scottish Charities Regulator (OSCR) to close the trust with effect earlier this month after some 52 years of the trust's operation in support of a wide range of Scottish junior chess educational purposes. 

The trust's remaining assets (some £4,900) have as part of the approved closure process been transferred to Chess Scotland for the agreed (ring-fenced) purpose of helping to defray the future costs of the Glorney Gilbert International Junior Chess matches when next held in Scotland. The Trust has frequently provided grants for this purpose for many years (most recently for the Glorney Gilbert events held in Paisley 2018).

In due course, the trustees plan to draft a brief note in celebration of the trust's work since its inception in 1969 for the CS historical archive. 

We most warmly thank all of those donors who have contributed greatly to the promotion of the trust's purposes over that half-century. You can rest assured that support by grants made by the trust have been much appreciated by junior chess club organisers in schools and in the community, as well as the individual junior players who have benefitted and their parents.

Junior chess giving will, of course, continue in very many other already-existing (often quietly voluntary) forms. The trustees have merely come to the conclusion that the trust's charitable model has run its effective course. And we wish good luck to all in the future!
Apologies! The title in the first para of my post should, of course, have read 'Scottish Junior Chess Association Educational Trust'.

Those with very long memories may recall that the trust was a wholly independent charitable off-shoot of the long defunct 'Scottish Junior Chess Association' (merged with the old 'Scottish Chess Association' some two decades ago to form the current 'Chess Scotland').

As a charity, of course, the trust operated completely independently of either the old SJCA or SCA or the current CS, accountable only to the Scottish charities regulator (OSCR), in pursuit of its purely (OSCR) approved charitable purposes and board of trustees.

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