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hamilton Junior Chess Club "Summer Camp"
Hamilton Junior Chess Club “Summer Camp”

Monday 6th August – Friday 10th August (9.00-16.00)

Bothwell Community Centre, Fallside Road, Bothwell, G71 8HF

The idea is various trainers going through a coaching course, with the lessons being e-mailed to the participants.

The day would be split as follows, morning: 2 lessons followed by some fun chess doubles/must take/ 4way chess etc. Then lunch, then in the afternoon another 2 lessons followed by 2 graded games in a tournament (giving 10 rounds all in).

The cost would be £20 per day ( i.e. £100 for the week), to cover premises, coaches, trophies etc.

Summer Camp Application Form ( to be returned by Monday 23rd July)



Parents E-Mail Address___________________________________________________________

My child will bring a Packed Lunch Yes/No

I give permission for my child to be taken along Main Street to buy hot food Yes/No

Soft drinks/sweets will be available at the venue.

I enclose a cheque for £100 for the week Yes/No

I enclose a cheque for _____ to cover days ______________________

Please make cheques payable to Hamilton Chess Club.

Preference will be given to those booking for the week, maximium numbers will be 30, number of trainers dependant on number of children attending, which is why entries need to be in by 23rd July.

Michael Hanley.

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