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FIDE Rated events
I'd like to bring to the attention of any organisors that intend to FIDE rate their events. As of 01.01.2013, there is a change in the regulations concerning who can be an arbiter at these events.

"The main change because of the new regulations will be that from 01.01.2013, in order a tournament to be rated, all its Arbiters ( IA, FA, National Arbiters) must be licensed.

A tournament with non-licensed Arbiters will not be rated."

This does not mean that you need a FIDE Licensed Arbiter for each section, only for the sections that are FIDE rated.

Here are the new Licence regulations

6. Arbiters’ Licence.

6.1 A titled active Arbiter (International Arbiter or FIDE Arbiter) and a National Arbiter working in a FIDE rated tournament shall be charged with a “licence fee”.
6.2.1 The licence will be valid for life, on the condition the arbiter remains an active arbiter, and will be in effect from the day after FIDE has received the fee.
6.2.2 The licence fee for National Arbiters is valid for life.
6.2.3 If a National Arbiter is awarded the title of “FIDE Arbiter” the licence fee for this title has to be paid to FIDE.
6.2.4 If an arbiter upgrades his/her category only the difference between the category fee has to be paid to FIDE.
6.2.5 If a “FIDE Arbiter” achieves the title of “International Arbiter”, the fee for the new title has to be paid to FIDE.
6.3 The licence fee will be:
a) for A’ Category Arbiters (only IAs): 300 €
b) for B’ Category Arbiters (only IAs): 200 €
c) for C’ Category Arbiters: IAs 160 €
FAs 120 €
d) for D’ Category Arbiters: IAs 100 €
FAs 80 €
e) for National Arbiters 20 €
6.4 Failure to pay the licence fee will lead to exclusion from the FIDE Arbiters’ list.
6.5 The Arbiters’ licence will come into effect from 01. 01. 2013.
6.6 From 01. 01. 2013 all arbiters of FIDE rated tournaments shall be licensed.
6.7.1 An arbiter who has become inactive (see annex 2, articles 1.3 and 1.4) is considered not to be licensed anymore and will be transferred to the list of inactive arbiters.
6.7.2 In order to be active again the inactive arbiter has to pay for a new licence, according to 6.3
6.8 If the article 6.6 is not fulfilled, the tournaments shall not be rated.
6.9 From 01. 01. 2013 the licence fee will be charged together with the application fee for all new awarded arbiter titles.
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"

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