15-07-2013, 01:17 PM
Amazing how a tournament like this can be run with so few hitches - great ‘tournament performance’ from Alex and Andy et al. There was a terrific buzz about the place over the last few days. Great to see the old guard coming to the fore at the end though things might have been different had Alan Tate managed to finish off GM Hera in round 8 to reach 6 out of 8.
I’m not sure how TPRs favour lower rated players as Alan says, perhaps someone can elaborate; in any case, lower or medium rated players are more likely to have played people 400 points or more below their rating, this can render a championship-winning 2400 ‘performance’ virtually impossible. In my own case, according to my calculations I would have needed to score eight and a half out of nine. This would equate to beating the three players rated about 400 lower that I played, and then achieving a TPR of 2570 versus the others in order to score 5.5/6 against them.
A tie break method though having a random effect needn’t necessarily be unfair; however the combination of the mis-named TPR’s and the anomalous effect on the rating system of games with 400 differences does seem to render a fair method impossible.
Aren’t we missing the point; the fundamental idea of a championship is that the champion beats their rivals. Great as the tournament called the Scottish Championship was in other respects, a championship is one thing that it was not. I appreciate this will have been debated before, but perhaps the issue that should be decided first is whether a Championship in the true sense should be run? It is after all part of the constitution.
I’m not sure how TPRs favour lower rated players as Alan says, perhaps someone can elaborate; in any case, lower or medium rated players are more likely to have played people 400 points or more below their rating, this can render a championship-winning 2400 ‘performance’ virtually impossible. In my own case, according to my calculations I would have needed to score eight and a half out of nine. This would equate to beating the three players rated about 400 lower that I played, and then achieving a TPR of 2570 versus the others in order to score 5.5/6 against them.
A tie break method though having a random effect needn’t necessarily be unfair; however the combination of the mis-named TPR’s and the anomalous effect on the rating system of games with 400 differences does seem to render a fair method impossible.
Aren’t we missing the point; the fundamental idea of a championship is that the champion beats their rivals. Great as the tournament called the Scottish Championship was in other respects, a championship is one thing that it was not. I appreciate this will have been debated before, but perhaps the issue that should be decided first is whether a Championship in the true sense should be run? It is after all part of the constitution.