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Primary Individual Results
After Round 2

Atharva Dabholkar, Declan Shafi, Euan Gray, Angus Matthews, Vagif Ramanasov

1.5 /2
Michael Doyle, John Morrison, Andrew McMillan

Euan Dawson, Leonard Holmes, Andrei Gheorgie, Matthew Billcliff, Tom Constance, Jonathan Bentick, Martin Lang, Anoop Babu, Callum Smith, Brodie Aitken, Matthew Walls, Euan Dunbar, Annalise Thomas, Joe McKie, Archie Kemp

Ben Volland

Sophie Bond, Lauren Bond, Robert Pirrie, Tristan Silverwood, Rachel Smith
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
After Round 4

Euan Gray

Declan Shafi, Atharva Dabolkar, Vagif Ramanasov, Andrei Ghorgie, Euan Dawson, Tom Constance, Andrew McMillan, Callum Smith

Ben Volland

Robert Pirrie, Leonard Holmes, John Morrison, Lauren Bond, Anoop Babu, Jonathan Bentinck, Brodie Aitken, Euan Dunbar, Angus Matthews, Joe McKie, Matthew Billcliff

Michael Doyle, Annalise Thomas, Archie Kemp, Rachel Smith, Martin Lang, Matthew Walls, Sophie Bond

Tristan Silverwood
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
Final Results

1st (on tie break) Declan Shafi 5/6

2nd Tom Constance 5/6

3rd (on tie break) Euan Gray 4.5/6

4th Euan Dawson 4.5/6

5th= 4/5 Atharva Dabholkar, John Morrison, Anoop Babu, Vagif Ramanasov,Callum Smith, Joe McKie,

11th Ben Volland 3,5/6

12th= 3/6 Jonathan Bentinck, Angus Matthews, Andrew McMillan, Andrei Gheorgie, Leonard Holmes, Euan Dunbar, Michael Doyle, Lauren Bond,

20th= 2.5/6 Matthew Walls, Robert Pirrie, Matthew Billcliff

23rd= Martin Lang, Brodie Aitken, Annalise Thomas, Archie Kemp, Sophie Bond,

28th= 1/6 Tristan Silverwood, Rachael Smith

"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"

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