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Glorney 2013
Declan Shafi & Alexander Bond were both originally selected for the under 14 team but accepted the challenge of playing in the Glorney. Team players. There selfless act is hugely appreciated, allowing two squad members to paticipate in this event on a competitive level.

Alexander and Declan are both proving they are capable of playing at Glorney level and they have a few years on their side.
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Well done, Kai Pannwitz !
4 out of 6 as a J12 on board 1 in the under-14 team is a great result.
I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine

Just to say that I understand Kai was a J11 for selection purposes and could have played in the U12 event but was delighted to be offered the chance to play at the older age group (U14) and give an opportunity to younger players in the U12 section.
Well done to all of the juniors who travelled to Cardiff to represent Scotland. Regardless of results it will have been a wonderful experience for them all =)

Completely agree.

As a relatively small nation chess wise with limited financial resources, the juniors and particularly families that support our nation at national and international events deserve enormous credit for the time and financial sacrifices that they have made over a long number of years to support our country. Their enthusiasm is unrivalled and their passionate support is greatly appreciated.

I am not going to post too much on the Glorney Cup, but just a couple of thoughts

1. It seemed to me that the Scottish top boards were very competitive, but often the lower boards struggled a bit. That is something to think about going forward (it may just be down to geography/demography).
2. I understand that there was some discussion about whether to send a Gilbert team before the event - I am very glad ChessScotland chose to send a team. It seemed to me that the Gilbert team gained an awful lot from the experience and Caitlin's results on the Monday are for me the standout Scottish performance.
3. The vast majority of the players were very enthusiastic and in general they seemed quite well prepared (in terms of opening theory). It was clear that a number of players had good coaches and that they had given time to develop their repertoire by playing online.
4. The playing venue was pretty good and the room was kept at a great temperature despite the weather. It was also nice to have so many live boards
5. I must just say that in my opinion the food at the Park Inn was absolutely appalling. I sincerely hope that Scotland will be able to do better next year
The truth: Scotland were last in the Glorney and Gilbert tournaments by a distance

Moderated myth by Scottish delusionists: Scotland won the Glorney and Gilbert tournaments comfortably as usual
I think we have to accept at "away" Glorney events we are likely to have limitations especially if we are unable to field our strongest side in the full U18 Glorney event. If we are unable to do this, it means it will have a "domino" effect on the other teams. We effectively then have to play our best younger players up and consequently each team is affected.

Enormous credit is due to all players who tried their best in every single game, roughly half of whom were playing at this level for the first time. Considering the overall high standard of the event, we have gained valuable experience and added to the strength and depth of our squad.

We are on home ground next year at Stirling University. Woe betide any teams that underestimate us!
encouragement for the kids who represented Scotland may be more supportive than extreme negative comments. they put sweat and possibly tears into their efforts, this and the support from coaches and parents (plus the financial support) tend to be overlooked by keyboard critics. the kids did the best they could!

No one is under any illusions as to the gulf in class but the kids will get better and by attending the coaching provided they will get better quickly.

Keep the negativity off the page please
amuir Wrote:The truth: Scotland were last in the Glorney and Gilbert tournaments by a distance

Moderated myth by Scottish delusionists: Scotland won the Glorney and Gilbert tournaments comfortably as usual

What is wrong with you?

At the start of this thread you posted negative statements based on gossip and hearsay. When you were pulled up about it, and told you were wrong, you didn't even apologise (or argue your corner).

Now you come out with more negative nonsense simply because others are trying to take the positives out of our junior performances?

Are you still a CS director? If so, you should reconsider your position because we've heard nothing but ignorant nonsense from you all year on a whole host of topics.

Andy Burnett

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