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AGM Candidates
Just to be clear, my '+1' was for the first paragraph of Andy McC's post, not the Hamilton part of it. I was being lazy and just quoted the whole thing.
The Hamilton motions are still not added (sigh)
However Andy Howie is the only candidate so he is slightly ahead.

I am in email correspondence with both presidential candidates.
Stephen has given me better answers about divisions and Hamilton CC,
As Matthew Turner said, Stephen is slightly ahead.
I think proxies have to be appointed fairly soon (a week in advance of the meeting?). I intend to do this tomorrow. It will be difficult to support Hamish if he has failed to produce an election address/manifesto by this time. Similarly, it will be hard to express a view on motions if they have yet to be published.
In fairness to Hamish, I have just seen that the directors' reports contain this from Hamish, I suppose this could serve as his election address.


Constitution In terms of the coming year, I really want to undertake a thorough review of the Chess Scotland constitution. It is not a question of criticising what has been agreed in the past, it is more a matter of tightening up a number of ambiguities to help us, as an organisation, to operate more effectively and efficiently. Governance is important and deserves to be kept under review with changes being made where appropriate.

Junior Chess

The importance of junior chess cannot be over-stated and I suggest it is now time to have a serious look at the structure under which it operates. My favoured approach would be a form of regional structure operating within a Chess Scotland 'umbrella'. This would allow greater autonomy at local level whilst remaining within the national structure for support and services.

The coming year I look forward to my second year as President, I think there is much to be done to build upon the past and the continuing good work so many people do in enabling organised chess to be played in communities across Scotland. Thank you to everyone who has helped me in my first year. I hope to retain your support for the coming years of my term of office.

Hamish Glen, President

Again, not too inspiring I would say. Compare David Congalton's and David Deary's statements with those of the Presidential candidates.
I'm sure I saw it elsewhere but Andy H, I assume?, (Seems unfair that Andy gets all the flak given volume of work he has to do) email address for where the proxy have to be emailed to

I also suggested an email to members re proxy to make it clearer of how they can use the proxy - running out of time for that also
Anyone interested in reasoned discussion and debate can look up the GOV.UK website (?) and find details on how the Electoral Register works. Who can qualify for a Postal Vote and voting by Proxy are fully explained. There are restrictions on how many Proxy votes one person can cast.

‘Touching or brushing up’ the CS Constitution does not reflect criticism of past efforts but responding to newly perceived needs and changing circumstances.
I am voting for Andy H as he does a hell of a lot of work, no matter other differences.
However Hamish's messages are vague and look a bit like spin whilst Stephen's are more to the point.
Both Alex McFarlane and Andy Howie have done terrific things for chess in Scotland over the years, and the fact that they have nominated and seconded Hamish Glen is certainly a point in his favour. I would also have serious concerns about electing someone to the office of President who has resigned, without being pressed to do so, from multiple CS directorships over the years. Like Matthew, I'm not inspired by either presidential address, especially when compared to the efforts of the Davids. I'd probably be more inclined to vote for Hamish, but I would sincerely hope that some progress is made at least by the end of the AGM towards healing the breach between the current president and certain key figures within the Scottish chess community.

Edited because Alex's achievements in Scottish chess apparently weren't sufficiently impressive for me to bother spelling his name correctly.
George Murphy Wrote:Anyone interested in reasoned discussion and debate can look up the GOV.UK website (?) and find details on how the Electoral Register works. Who can qualify for a Postal Vote and voting by Proxy are fully explained. There are restrictions on how many Proxy votes one person can cast.

‘Touching or brushing up’ the CS Constitution does not reflect criticism of past efforts but responding to newly perceived needs and changing circumstances.

The point of the email is that not all members, in realty too few in number, read these posts/forum/website
Hi Alex,

Don't be concerned. My post just happened to come after yours, but it wasn't intended to refer to it. Rather, I was just tossing in an idea for everyone to consider. 'Reasoned discussion and debate' was a tilt at the mindless squabbling that is blighting another part of the Board.

I'm afraid I'll have to ask you (and everyone else) to put up with my slowness in posting. I'm just not very skilled. Your point that not enough members log in is well made. Why they don't is another matter altogether.


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