12-08-2013, 09:23 PM
Hi Mike, was it this message?
Quote:As you are probably aware, I have stepped down as a director and not renewed my membership of Chess Scotland. As I work with children in schools I cannot be associated with CS under its present regime. I have stated that I cannot be involved in Chess Scotland while either the current President or Membership Secretary/Chair of Standards Committee remain in post.
There are 2 separate reasons, 1) the disgraceful way Andrew and Linda McCusker were treated when Linda complained about Andrew being assaulted in Slovenia by the head of delegation. The truth is this was a cover up by removing him from the coaches list for 6 months, they have prevented Disclosure Scotland from taking action as they had not removed him permanently from their list.
Linda in her report to council, pointed out 17 points were the standards committee were wrong in what they did, this report was censored and the President has prevented it from being published, even although council agreed and set up a committee headed by Linda to implement these improvements into Standards Committee procedures, it still is not available for members to see.
I was asked to redo my report, to exclude the word corrupt by council, this I did and it still has not been included in the reports or council minutes.
The President has also removed any criticism of him from the noticeboard.
The second reason, is the disgraceful way Jacqui and Phil Thomas were treated by the President and Membership Secretary, by refusing to accept their membership, the week after they had given up the entire weekend to run the Primary Individual for CS, Jacqui was so upset by this that she has walked away from chess, after being involved in junior chess in Scotland and England for the last 22 years. What they did was against the constitution and a total abuse of power, any decent person would have resigned.
The Membership Secretary has publicly admitted that he had personal issues with Phil Thomas when he stated “the Phil Thomas unpleasantness generation machine was started up and aimed at me even before my appointment”
If you read the minutes of the council meeting you will see that the President was heavily criticised for this, after the meeting he arranged to meet Jacqui and Phil the next day at a Hamilton Junior Congress to apologise, but did not turn up without letting anybody know he was not going to turn up.
For Chess Scotland to become a credible organisation again it is necessary to have somebody new at the top, I was glad to see Stephen Hilton was standing against the current President.