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SNCL 27th Oct 2013
Quote:I intend that the winners of Div 4 and 5 will be promoted to Div 3 this session only. Second place div 4 will not be promoted.
Glynis -

I don't know what the constitution says about this. Probably nothing, since, as you say, the situation has never arisen before, but on the assumption that every team in div. 4 entered in the belief that first and second place would be promoted, I think it's a bit off to make a unilateral decision that only the winners go up. I strongly believe that both first and second placed teams should be promoted, as per usual, and that the matter of a possible div. 5 be dealt with in some other way. Div. 4 teams should not be disadvantaged because of an issue which has nothing to do with them.

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