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SNCL 27th Oct 2013
Hi Glynis please accept this as an entry from Greenwood. I have spoken to team captain Elliot Frew, he has no access to t'internet and has asked me to inform you of our intentions Smile
Okay Greenwood and Edin Uni have been added to list. All other teams have until Friday, at the very latest, to apply. Andy needs to get the draw etc ready and I need to get the venue up to speed about tables etc that will be needed. Therefore it is unfair for teams to expect us to keep entry open longer --- You have had plenty of warning to sort this out.


PS we are seriously hoping to start a new division as numbers look like they will reach 40. If this happens, as it was not previously announced, I intend that the winners of Div 4 and 5 will be promoted to Div 3 this session only. Second place div 4 will not be promoted. Second place div 5 will be promoted to div 4.
Once Div 5 is established (ie next session) we go back to normal rules.

Any thoughts against this please intimate on board.

Okay Greenwood and Edin Uni have been added to list. All other teams have until Friday, at the very latest, to apply. Andy needs to get the draw etc ready and I need to get the venue up to speed about tables etc that will be needed. Therefore it is unfair for teams to expect us to keep entry open longer --- You have had plenty of warning to sort this out.


PS we are seriously hoping to start a new division as numbers look like they will reach 40. If this happens, as it was not previously announced, I intend that the winners of Div 4 and 5 will be promoted to Div 3 this session only. Second place div 4 will not be promoted. Second place div 5 will be promoted to div 4.
Once Div 5 is established (ie next session) we go back to normal rules.
As two teams will be demoted to Div 4, three teams will have to be demoted to Div 5 at the end pf the season to keep numbers to 8 per league.

Any thoughts against this please intimate on board.

Quote:I intend that the winners of Div 4 and 5 will be promoted to Div 3 this session only. Second place div 4 will not be promoted.
Glynis -

I don't know what the constitution says about this. Probably nothing, since, as you say, the situation has never arisen before, but on the assumption that every team in div. 4 entered in the belief that first and second place would be promoted, I think it's a bit off to make a unilateral decision that only the winners go up. I strongly believe that both first and second placed teams should be promoted, as per usual, and that the matter of a possible div. 5 be dealt with in some other way. Div. 4 teams should not be disadvantaged because of an issue which has nothing to do with them.
Meant to say in my previous post - the fact that both div. winners will go into div. 3 suggests that divs 4 and 5 will be seeded into two divisions of roughly equal strength. If that's the case, then I see no objection to the winners only going up. If it's some other type of set-up (not clear in Glynis's post), then two up, two down as usual.
I was trying to make it as fair as I could. New teams entering this year would have been expecting to be in Div 4 so they will be unhappy to have lost the chance to be promoted to div 3. I am very open to suggestions and will of course be looking for agreement from Div 4/5 participants.

This problem only arises if we are lucky enough to have 40+ teams.

When I took over SNCL in 1997 we only had 19 teams and were down to two divisions so I am very happily treading new ground here. As it stands at the moment Div 5 would have the five new teams and the three lowest from div 4. If opinion of players are happy with your suggestion I will go with it. That is one of the reasons I am putting this on the board -- we need to be seen to be fair to all and agree before play starts on 27th. I am very sure my chief arbiter will have a lot to say on this matter and I will defer and support his decision -- he knows rules better than I do.

I am delighted with our success and growth and this is definitely a matter that will have to be brought up at next year's AGM (If we don't get a Div 5 this session) to ensure that we all know what will happen if we need to open up a new division in the future.

Quote:As it stands at the moment Div 5 would have the five new teams and the three lowest from div 4.
That's what I assumed with my first reply. If that is the case, then the new div. 5 becomes, in effect, the previous div. 4, when it was two up, two down. I just don't see the logic in suddenly making it winners-only-up, even for this season.

If there turn out to be enough entries for a div. 4 and div. 5, and if you want to operate winners-only-up, then the only equitable way to do it, IMO, is to create two divisions of roughly equal strength, then the two promoted teams could realistically be seen as those who would have been the top two in a single division.
Quote:I am delighted with our success and growth and this is definitely a matter that will have to be brought up at next year's AGM (If we don't get a Div 5 this session) to ensure that we all know what will happen if we need to open up a new division in the future.
I applaud all your efforts and hard work to make the SNCL what it is today, but, with the greatest respect, next year's AGM is irrelevant to the situation that might arise now. The time to raise the matter of possible expansion was at a previous AGM or when drafting the constitution, not less than a fortnight before the start of the event.

Of course, it might never happen!!
A wee suggestion (has nobody else got any thoughts on the matter!?) -

Forget a div. 4 and div. 5 set-up. Put the newbies into div. 4 and run it as a 7-rd Swiss as per last season with first and second place being promoted. (I assume you would have to do that anyway depending on numbers.) Then future arrangements could be discussed at next year's AGM. Or am I missing something?

To be honest I was going to suggest that to Glynis myself that way next season Division 5 would be the lowest finishing teams in Division 4
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
Personally, I'd like to see 5 Divisions in SNCL especially if we hit 40 teams. I've always felt leagues should be APA rather than Swiss - you should know the fixtures up front, play every other team at least once and then the league table at the end of the season doesn't lie.

Also, for information, the invitation letter dated 16 September made clear this eventuality in the event 40 teams entered: "If we get 40 teams then a fifth division will be created and will consist of the newest teams plus lowest teams from Division 4"

However, it’s probably more of an issue for the teams impacted in Division 4 & 5. It would be very interesting to hear their views.
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