Posts: 243
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Joined: Sep 2011
Andy are you really having a go at little old me????
The crying remark was aimed at Alan Tate's world cup comment.
The referendum one was just for fun. Don't gripe at each other.
I can't be accused of being biased. I'm Scottish by family and choice, English by birth and Welsh by Christian name. I also like emeralds (and other jewels) so that's Irish covered!!!!
GG =))
Posts: 370
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Joined: Sep 2011
You should look at my family line,
I was born in Greenock :-bd
Father was English with a Scottish Great Grandmother from Edinburgh

and her folks came from Wick and Helmsdale, so that gives me membership of the McKay clan
Mother was Scottish but of total Irish ancestry with Collins, Dougans, Kiernans and Duffys in the maternal family tree.
To top it all I have cousins who are half English and half Greek Cypriot!!
A good friend of mine aptly described me as a thoroughbred mongrel =))
a term I thought was hilarious
Posts: 243
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Joined: Sep 2011
Andy maybe it would have helped if you had actually written a comment rather than just copied my message. I thought you were telling me that I had been offensive to people which was certainly not my intention. Therefore I was upset and felt I had to explain my actions to you and everyone else.
As far as being school marmish, that again was far from my mind. I talk and write in quite a formal manner, it's just my nature and again was not used to cause offense.
Steve - mongrels are always better than thoroughbreds. They are intelligent, lovable and loyal. I'd be honoured to join your ranks!!
Look forward to seeing you both, and everyone else, next week