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Costs to a club of getting games graded?
This seems to be a question for Dougie, but I suppose anyone can reply if they happen to know the answer.

What is the cost for to a non CS member club to have internal club games graded on a game by game basis next season?
Check out the fees page Jonathan:

It's done on a per player per game basis, and it depends on the age of the players and whether it's allegro or standard time controls.

Hope it's helpful.
If you were to join as a club member of CS you can I think get 500 games graded before incurring a charge.
Thanks Andrew / Ronnie

Thats what I was looking into, will only need to grade approx 35 games, mainly adult age for next season.

Based on last years costs a club m/ship would be £32 or to just pay for graded games it would be £1.08 per game. So not much difference, club m/ship slightly cheaper and you get a club vote on something, not sure what? A voting seat at the AGM perhaps?
The usual way to pay for domestic club games is by the club joining CS. You can see all the club processed data via the "Club Events" tab <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

The costs are on the fees page as already indicated. Rather than 500 games it is 500 results (2 results in a game) are graded "free" as part of the club membership package. Until last season it was the case that playing in Rich/Spens/MacIsaac etc was restricted to member clubs. The Constitution indicates some voting rights applicable to member clubs. There are a few discounted entry fees - eg Team Lite. There is an equipment insurance scheme for member clubs.

A club can just pay the unit costs of the games per result if they consider it financially advantageous and are not that interested in the other "perks" of membership. A couple of the super-active clubs did go over the 500 limit this season and pay for either the cheapest games over the limit or just buy a second tranche of 500.

CS would have sent out an email around October 2013 to whoever was the Dunbar listed contact inviting the club to join. The form indicates the grading perks.
Thanks, good info here and all queries answered.

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