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There is nothing to stop Edinburgh CC holding these events, but unless alternative supervised accommodation is found for those who need it then it cannot be FIDE rated.

I must say that I do hope that the suggestions that the guidelines remain guidelines and that it never becomes the situation whereby an event can not run or can not be FIDE rated because, dispite the best efforts of the organizers, a particular player(s) can not be accommodated. I do stress the 'best efforts' bit because that is important.
Andy Howie Wrote:
robin moore Wrote:In fact let's make it easier....

1. They agree with the guidelines and will enforce for Chess Scotland events
2. They agree with the guidelines and will recommend for Chess Scotland events
3. They reject the guidelines completely with respect to Chess Scotland Events

thank you Andy
this is all most of us wanted. I suspect option 2 or 3 will be the flavour at the AGM. If I was a betting man probably option 2 without any penalty at all for organisers or venues. I would definitely vote against option 1 if I was attending.
I think the below are very good suggestions and I would support the motion with changes to this effect.

George Murphy Wrote:1.1 In accordance with newly implemented FIDE Guidelines, the following provisions will be enforced in FIDE rated Tournaments in which Disabled Players participate in Scotland

1. These requirements shall be enforced only in FIDE rated Tournaments organised by, or under the auspices of Chess Scotland etc.etc.

2. Though not enforceable in non-FIDE rated Tournaments, organisers of all chess events in Scotland are urged to do their utmost to accommodate and encourage the participation of disabled chess players by adopting these FIDE guidelines wherever possible or practical. The overriding principle is one of inclusiveness towards all chess players.

Matthew Turner Wrote:Guideline 3 reads
"All chess venues must either be accessible to all, or an acceptable alternative venue with full supervision shall be available to those who cannot access the nominated venue."

Lets make this
All chess venues must either be accessible to all, or make all reasonable efforts to provide an acceptable alternative venue with full supervision suitable for all players unable to access the nominated venue.

Incidentally, disabled players have entered tournaments in the Edinburgh Chess Club without issue in the past. I've played one of them in an event there where two disabled players attended. As Hugh points out, there are various forms of disability. I imagine the main problem for the Edinburgh CC is that of wheelchair access. The players I witnessed playing there were blind and/or deaf.

Stevie; I think everyone can appreciate that your intentions are good. I'm glad you are open to amendments to the motion and I'd hope that you can support the sentiment of the aforementioned suggested alterations. They will not "water down" the motion; they will introduce clarity where it's clearly lacking. If it was as "clear" as some people are suggesting, then this topic would not be buzzing with so many confused posters seeking clarity. That - itself - should be evidence enough that the motion is not clear enough.
David Deary Wrote:
Andy Howie Wrote:Just been handed the minutes from the Commission for the Disabled. 17. Mr Geurt Gijssen (rules commission) reported the newly implemented regulations for disabled players were not just guidelines but they are clear requirements for integration of disabled players. Mr Ashot Seconded it.
Quite clear for a FIDE event. They must be implemented.

Geurt Gijssen is an absolute legend.
See his articles on Chess Café: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->:
A staple for any good Arbiter and I would advise any players who are interested in the laws to read it and even those who aren’t it would improve their understanding.

If Geurt supported these regulations so do I! :-bd

I have just had the opportunity to meet the great man himself Smile
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
Andy Howie Wrote:
David Deary Wrote:
Andy Howie Wrote:Just been handed the minutes from the Commission for the Disabled. 17. Mr Geurt Gijssen (rules commission) reported the newly implemented regulations for disabled players were not just guidelines but they are clear requirements for integration of disabled players. Mr Ashot Seconded it.
Quite clear for a FIDE event. They must be implemented.

Geurt Gijssen is an absolute legend.
See his articles on Chess Café: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->:
A staple for any good Arbiter and I would advise any players who are interested in the laws to read it and even those who aren’t it would improve their understanding.

If Geurt supported these regulations so do I! :-bd

I have just had the opportunity to meet the great man himself Smile ^Smile^
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"
Mike Scott Wrote:
There is nothing to stop Edinburgh CC holding these events, but unless alternative supervised accommodation is found for those who need it then it cannot be FIDE rated.

I must say that I do hope that the suggestions that the guidelines remain guidelines and that it never becomes the situation whereby an event can not run or can not be FIDE rated because, dispite the best efforts of the organizers, a particular player(s) can not be accommodated. I do stress the 'best efforts' bit because that is important.

Might I suggest you actually read the motion. It has never said that a tournament cannot be run. What FIDE has said that it would not be rated. If Edinburgh wish to hold FIDe rated events, they have to comply with the guidelines
i still feel this whole affair is unnecessary, there are very few disabled chess players in Scotland. The ones who enter tournaments appear to be accommodated without any difficulty. If there were any issues I'm sure we would have heard about it. The regular disabled players keep coming back year after year, something must be going right.
The only difficulty in the past in my experience has come from a disabled player deliberately making unreasonable demands, causing unnecessary stress amongst opposing players and being thoroughly obnoxious. I fear a repeat of this should these guidelines be adopted.

There is also a fear amongst some reasonable players that if they dont agree with Steves motion then they will be labelled as being discriminatory against disabled players.
Patrick McGovern Wrote:there are very few disabled chess players in Scotland

perhaps we be looking to address that and try to tap into the various disabled organisations with a view to promote chess. My worry is the SNCL . As I've said before Glynis and her helpers do a fantastic job with an allocated area for disabled players. even when she had restricted access , she still pulled it off. However I honestly don't know how she would cope with a 3m space between desks for example. As we know division 1 is fide-rated so how would this work? I assume that all players including disabled players can demand the right to go around all the desks without infringement. What if the fide-rated games were on the stage?

Please don't get me wrong, I want this to work but it has to be practical and realistic.

I also feel Pat made some good points which cannot be brushed aside carte blanche. In fact there have been a lot of good points made by everybody but this probably my last post on this because I fear i'm flogging this thread to death
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Alan, Smile :ymapplause: :-bd

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