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Scotland V Basque Federation
Hi George,

I'm actually studying in HK for a year, which is why I decided to play in the HK International open. The protests have made it pretty interesting...

Here's a link to the results: I decided to withdraw before the last round as I had two assignments due the following day - naturally I hadn't finished either of them! Although, if I'd won in the second last round there's no way I'd have withdrawn.
We book flights when money transferred to CS bank account. Have at least 6 players available. The Basques wish to promote in press in both Scotland and Spain. All looks ok to me.
Hi Jonathan,

What a wonderful opportunity to study for a year in Hong Kong! I wish you
every success in your studies, of course, but don’t forget to enjoy it, too. It’s a fascinating place, and you will leave with memories to last you a lifetime.

Yes, the Live Games were showing on Chessdom, including your last game, though I haven’t had a chance to look at it yet, being preoccupied with another thread. What I also noticed was that the event was generously funded by the Kasparov Chess Foundation Asia-Pacific. I mention that specifically to be able to cite Helen Milligan, who features in that Foundation. And, I do all that to illustrate how the tendrils of the Scottish diaspora zig-zag across the globe!

I also noted that the venue was located above Western District, overlooking the harbour. I know the harbour* has changed enormously over the years as containers became ever more dominant, but my wife and I lived near Pokfulam Road in the early 1970’s and watched in horror as the Seawise University burned out of control. That ship was more famously known as the Queen Elizabeth, which retired from transatlantic service in the late 1960’s before eventually being bought by a very well-known Hong Kong businessman, C Y Tung, who renamed her, intending to convert her to a floating University. And the Scottish connection? Well, it was built in the 1930’s by the famous John Brown shipyard at Clydebank - just up the river from where I live now!

What a small world we live in! Have a great time in Hong Kong.


* Hong Kong in Chinese means Fragrant Harbour
Well played Jonathan, don't be shy, post a PGN if you have time of one of your wins against the IM or 2400 CM.
[pgn][Event "HK Open"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2014.10.04"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Edwards, J."]
[Black "Nanjo, R."]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2167"]
[BlackElo "2400"]
[PlyCount "119"]

1. c4 b6 2. Nc3 c5 3. g3 Bb7 4. e4 Nf6 5. Bg2 e6 6. Nge2 d6 7. O-O Nbd7 8. d3
a6 9. h3 Qc7 10. f4 Be7 11. f5 Ne5 12. Be3 O-O 13. g4 h6 14. Nf4 Qd7 15. a4 Bc6
16. b3 Rfe8 17. d4 cxd4 18. Bxd4 Rab8 19. Qe2 Bf8 20. Rad1 exf5 21. gxf5 b5 22.
axb5 axb5 23. Ncd5 Nh7 24. Nd3 bxc4 25. Nxe5 dxe5 26. Be3 Bxd5 27. Rxd5 Qc6 28.
bxc4 Nf6 29. Rb5 Rbc8 30. Rc1 Nd7 31. c5 Rb8 32. Ra5 Ra8 33. Qb5 Qxb5 34. Rxb5
Rec8 35. c6 Nb8 36. c7 Na6 37. Rb7 Nb4 38. Bf1 Bd6 39. Bd2 Na6 40. Bxa6 Rxa6
41. Rb8 Rxb8 42. cxb8=Q+ Bxb8 43. Rc8+ Kh7 44. Rxb8 Ra4 45. Rb4 Ra1+ 46. Kf2
Ra2 47. Ke2 Ra3 48. Be3 Ra1 49. Rb5 f6 50. Rb3 Rh1 51. Bf2 Kg8 52. h4 Kf7 53.
Rg3 Kf8 54. Rg1 Rxg1 55. Bxg1 h5 56. Kd3 g6 57. Kc4 gxf5 58. exf5 Kf7 59. Kd5
Ke7 60. Bc5+ 1-0[/pgn]

Thanks Jonathan. Here's my game against the Japanese player (he actually played Colin when Japan played Scotland at the Olympiad this year). I got pretty lucky - move 26, he should obviously have played cxb3 and black is much better.
Nice one Johhny!
Interesting game. Don't know if you put the game into an engine and you are saying black was better as in winning, or just better of position wise playing 26. c x b3 ?

If it had went 26. Be3 cxb3 27. Nf6+ NxN 28. RxQ BxR then 29. Bc1 initialy looked to me like it gives white a good chance to stop the b pawn promotion threat. Looking at it further I can see your white square bishop is going to be out of the game for quite a few moves and if black plays Re8-c8 the follow up threat of Rc2 is dangerous for white. I am just looking at this in my head and might have it wrong. But if not you would expect a 2400 to see that much in which case I see why you say that you got lucky there.

Maybe sometimes even good players minds can play tricks on them and the idea of exchanging a queen for material other than a queen clouds the positional judgement. What ever happened, a win is a win as we say and well done.

amuir Wrote:We book flights when money transferred to CS bank account. Have at least 6 players available. The Basques wish to promote in press in both Scotland and Spain. All looks ok to me.
Has the money for the flights now been received?

Is a team still going to travel to this?
no money received, was promised yesterday
Update - Spanish now say payment made - have sent proof slip - could David Congalton please check funds and let players know if can book flights

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