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New constitution
The benefits of membership

◊ 5% discount on purchases at Chess Direct Ltd
◊ Reduced entry fees to most congresses
◊ Entry to Grand Prix for players graded =< 2150
◊ On-line grading information via CS website
◊ Entry to the Scottish Championships
◊ 6 Magazines a year dependent on membership type
◊ You are supporting chess in Scotland
Phil Thomas Wrote:Pat as a paid up member of CS and close to the corridors of CS power. Would you care to explain to the CS members of this noticeboard (1) Why the current president of CS wished to reject my membership.(2) Why I should join such a demonstratively hostile organisation in order to express my views.(3) Why you apparently think my views carry little weight.
Isn't this thread about the new constitution.
I fail to the relevance of these points, to this discussion.
Nor can Pat speak for the current president.

Phil Thomas Wrote:Perhaps if you have the time you would care to answer all the questions posed by me on the thread which have not yet been answered.
Going back through the thread I can only find 1 unanswered question by you, but if I have missed them and they are on the content of the published constitution documents I'll see hat I can do. Just let me know the relevant page numbers.

Quote:Anyone know much time is available for the SGM?
I simply don't know - I have been responding for the CWP, no one else.

Smile I have an appointment to get my nails done at 10:40 though Smile)
( that's an attempt at a bad joke by the way just to lighten the mood - so no comment on it please )
Clement Sreeves Wrote:The benefits of membership

◊ 5% discount on purchases at Chess Direct Ltd
◊ Reduced entry fees to most congresses
◊ Entry to Grand Prix for players graded =< 2150
◊ On-line grading information via CS website
◊ Entry to the Scottish Championships
◊ 6 Magazines a year dependent on membership type
◊ You are supporting chess in Scotland

But apparently some people think that for under-16s the right to get bored to tears once a year at the AGM is more important. :|
I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine
Quote:Jim Webster wrote...

" I have an appointment to get my nails done at 10:40 though"
Aye, and it's took me a week to sharpen them.
I take it, with this being a couple of years in the making, that the U-16 members were consulted about their new status in the new constitution.

And I also take it that their fervent defenders have also consulted the group to gauge the stance of the group.

Because you wouldn't think that the "adults" think they know best for the "children" without actually talking to them, would you? :-j
Phil Thomas Wrote:Pat as a paid up member of CS and close to the corridors of CS power. Would you care to explain to the CS members of this noticeboard (1) Why the current president of CS wished to reject my membership.(2) Why I should join such a demonstratively hostile organisation in order to express my views.(3) Why you apparently think my views carry little weight.Perhaps if you have the time you would care to answer all the questions posed by me on the thread which have not yet been answered. I suggest that the CS members reading this thread would like to see the answers.

as moderator I am worrying that this discussion is going off topic. Please keep discussion in keeping with the thread. We encourage healthy discussion. Please do not address each other directly by asking question outwith the discussion of the proposed constitution. Discussions about past decisions are at least discouraged on this thread and if continued will be moved. Remember this thread is on the public forum and it has already been explained that the moderators will monitor this thread and will take action if it becomes personal
Apologies people I wrongly attributed a quote to Mike Scott, in my last post.

It should have been Phil Thomas. I will ask a moderator to correct this slip.

Apologies to Mike as well, hope I haven't offended you too much.


Phil Thomas Wrote:Perhaps if you have the time you would care to answer all the questions posed by me on the thread which have not yet been answered.

This is the correct quote attribute.
Jim Webster Wrote:Apologies people I wrongly attributed a quote to Mike Scott, in my last post.It should have been Phil Thomas. I will ask a moderator to correct this slip.
done as requested
Robin said:-
Quote:In the example I quoted, under the proposed new constitution (and current membership fee structure) the family adult is paying £17 more than an individual adult to cast his/her one vote.

Botton line is they pay an extra £8.50 to get a vote, over and above what they would pay anyway for the 3 kids to be members. A few cups of coffee at a cafe. If they do not think membership is good value - as Clement listed - for the kids then they can just join as an adult. We are not talking big bucks either way.

One can slice and dice the numbers other ways - for example if the juniors retained full voting rights then their votes only cost £10 each, less than half of the adults: and by your own argument you could not accept that either.

I am getting a bit nervous discussing how much each vote costs - just in case the FBI google it and come a calling!
Quote:And I also take it that their fervent defenders have also consulted the group to gauge the stance of the group.

I did and they said "whatever ..."

In any event they have the vote now and can go to the AGM and have their say.

BTW have there been any posts by any juniors in this thread (excluding Clement)?

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